Technology & Engineering
Misfit Thinking
Using Design Thinking to Energize Innovation and Creativity by R. Gordon Bennett
Is your organization stuck in a rut and unable to see past the same old ineffective approaches? Misfit Thinking demonstrates how teams can become more innovative in order to actually solve problems, creatively. It is a thorough exploration of and...
A Lucky Prairie Boy
by Douglas K. Brewster
Resilience. Persistence. Determination. Ingenuity. These are qualities farmers possess, and they were required to be a successful pioneer. They also happened to be some of the founding characteristics of the Brewster family. Douglas K. Brewster...
Before the Storm
Exploring Protection Planning and Security Integration by A. H. Hay
We build infrastructure and everything else for a purpose, which enables a service, activity, or capability. All infrastructure has a purpose. When we protect against harm, it is the purpose that we are protecting. When we know how to protect...
Don't Be Bare
What Every Contractor Needs to Know About Insurance by Dave Lester
ARE YOU A SMALL TO MID-SIZE CONTRACTOR? If you are, you know that contractors face plenty of risks just completing their work on time and on budget. But what about those risks you’re trusting your insurance policies to cover? Have you ever...
Waves Of Hope
The Impact of Galcom Radio Worldwide by Allan T. McGuirl
This is the compelling story of how God took a country boy, gave him a worldwide vision and then used him to impact the world through radio. From steamy jungles to clattering cities, from wind swept deserts to frozen tundra GALCOM solar-powered,...
On Cold Iron
A Story of Hubris and the 1907 Quebec Bridge Collapse by Dan Levert
When engineering students in Canada are soon to graduate, the solemn “Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer,” penned by none other than Rudyard Kipling, charges them with their Obligation to high standards, humility, and ethics. Each budding...
Capitol City Fireman
by Jake Rixner
Every little kid dreams of being a fireman, most grow out of it; those who don’t just want to work in a big city at a busy firehouse. These are the stories of one man who did just that. The adventures are both entertaining and informative and one...
Autonomous Vehicles Plus
A Critical Analysis of Challenges Delaying AV Nirvana by Chander Dhawan
Autonomous Vehicles Plus: A Critical Analysis of Challenges Delaying AV Nirvana is a valuable compendium of information for autonomous vehicle (AV) industry professionals. The book offers a critical analysis of this emerging technology and...
The End of Fossil Fuel Insanity
Clearing the Air Before Cleaning the Air by Terry Etam
Everyone knows that fossil fuels won’t last forever. Something needs to change at some point, regardless of whether the issue is climate change or because we need a practical replacement for petroleum as cheap supplies run out. But while...
Everything I Need to Know About Electricity....Well Almost
An Introduction to the Science and Engineering of Electricity in the Digital Information Age by Gordon Klimenko
The subject of electricity is explored through a young person with a thirst for knowledge. The heart of the digital information age involving computers, Internet, smart phones, jump drives, music, video and cameras is seen through the eyes of a...